Bradford Exchange - Valentine's Day

Sunday, November 30, 2014

New BLOG Direction

I have decided to take this BLOG page in a different direction. We will be discussing all things business related. Specifically we will concentrate on business evaluations and tools used to improve customer relations. 

   Two tired eyes are sleeping, two willing hands are still. For one who suffered far too much is resting in God's will. You never said goodbye to us, perhaps its just as well, we never could have said goodbye to one we loved so well.

― Unknown 

Monday, September 29, 2014

BLOG Reactivated

I apologize that my Blog has been inactive for some time. I will be posting to my BLOG soon and often

Monday, January 20, 2014


  If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.

― Nelson Mandela

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tips for Improving Your Match Play Scores

Title: 3 Tips for Improving Your Match Play Scores



The game of golf essentially has two forms of play. One aspect of the game called stroke play has a golfer playing against the course being played and possibly a large group of golfers. The other aspect is match play which pits one golfer against an opponent. The opponent is right in front of you and in most cases changes the way a golfer may approach the game.  The tactics and strategy in match play influence a golfers approach on how he is going to attack the course depending on the flow of the match. . The best advice you are going to get when playing a match is to play your game. There are going to be a myriad of influences that may put pressure on you to stray from your game but again I stress if you stay on your game a majority of the time you will prevail. The reason you will prevail is because in match play it has been shown that most golfers will play above their handicap due to influences of the match.

The following three tips are going to help maintain and improve your match play scores. These tips are designed to keep you on your game and not let the ebb and flow of a match influence your approach decision process. These three tips will help you maintain and your game throughout the match and improve your match play score overall.

Tip 1 – Manage the Course – Think your way through the course and plan your shots. Avoid the tendency to overthink or try to do too much with a shot. If you are playing your home course you already know where the devil resides and if playing an unfamiliar course you have to plan your shots based on the layout of the hole. Ask yourself what is your best option based on your abilities to keep the ball in play and make the shot. The key point here is to keep the pressure on your opponent by keeping the ball in play. Play your game, stay focused. Visualize your shots before you hit them to help keep your concentration and focus. Make sure you pay attention to your opponent on the green is he a good or poor putter. This may give you an advantage in deciding later in the match whether to concede a putt or have your opponent make a six incher. The last thing you need to do is after nine holes take a couple of minutes to assess your situation and make the necessary adjustments if necessary. If your ahead do not become complacent stay focused.

Tip 2 – Know the Rules – The biggest mistake a golfer can make in match play is give away a hole because you did not know the rules or follow the rules. Violation of a rule in match play, in a majority of cases, will cost you the hole and give your opponent the advantage. Check your ball before making a shot from anywhere on the course. You would be amazed how many times golfers hit the wrong ball. Make sure you know your options for an OB shot. The lateral water hazard OB shot has five options for dropping the ball back in bounds make sure you know and assess the situation to make the best possible drop. When should you or can you concede a putt? Knowing the rules can not only save you strokes but could possibly save your match.

Tip 3 – Don’t Speed the Game Up – Nerves and stress make you want to hurry your shot and force a poor shot. Make sure you take a couple of breathes before you set up for your shot to help subdue these nerves. Make sure you stay in your shot routine throughout the match. Shaking your arms and head can help keep you calm. Be prepared for your match and have a good mental approach and this will help you stay within your game.

These tips can help you improve your match play scores and allow you to play your game. If you can execute these tips you will find that your matches will be under control and give you the best possible chance at being successful and reduce your score in match play.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unemployment Benefits Updated

The Senate failed to pass legislation to extend unemployment benefits for over 1.4 million Americans. The Legislators have decided that bickering over the bill and holding to party lines is more important then resolving this issue. The Congress had over a year to resolve the issues with this piece of legislation. They can't even agree to extend the benefits for three months while they try to reach a resolution to this problem. These actions show a total disregard for the Americans that are without any kind of resources to support themselves or their families. The issues that are being discussed have validity and need to be resolved, but not at the expense of these unfortunate people. The time to act is now but the indicators show that this may not be the case.    

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Unemployment Follow Up

The Senate voted on the measure to extend unemployment benefits to 1.3 million Americans. The measure did not pass. The plight of the people affected is starting to surface and as expected the stories are sad and heartbreaking. These Representatives who voted not to extend these benefits should have to experience the heartbreak and despair of the people who have their lifeline terminated because of political derision. We as Americans should be outraged that our representatives are allowed to treat our friends and neighbors with total disdain.

         I've learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.

― Tom Landry 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Haus of Weber- Unemployment Benefits Update

The Senate voted to put forth a measure to extend unemployment benefits. It passed by the narrowest of margins, the vote was 60 – 37. The bill now needs to be voted on again by the Senate and if successful goes to the House for ratification. This is not going to be an easy task and may not be ratified soon because of strong opposition from some Senators and Congressman in the House. The main points of contention are:

·        The legislation be paid for in advance by finding savings elsewhere in the budget. They don’t want the savings to come from the farm bill, which by  the way hasn’t reached final agreement or implementation.

·         Possibly reducing benefits

·        Requiring a strict end date to these benefits

·        That after one year of unemployment job training participation be a requirement.


These ideas and requests are not unreasonable and deserve to be given just consideration but right now 1.3 million Americans are without benefits and could be destitute and homeless very soon. There are approximately 600,000 children that are being affected by Congress not acting on this legislation. The time has come to bail our own friends and neighbors out, just like we did the big companies a few years ago. These unemployment benefits are essential to the survival of many of these people. Although I agree with the idea of having to pay for something before legislating it into law and some of the other contentions being raised I do not agree that you wait until the last hour to try and fix the problems with unemployment benefits. There are too many people hurting right now. It is time for Congress to act and stop politicking and get this done for the American people. They can extend the benefits for a fixed period of time and then work on the issues that need to be addressed and inform the people well in advance what the limitations and expectations are so they can reasonably adjust to any changes. The time to act is now.

         Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.

― Goran Persson

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Weekend Sale fro Best Buy

There is a special sale this weekend from our Affiliate Golfsmith. Huge discounts. Please check out their site from our Blog Page. Also check out Best Buy Yellow Tag sale where you can get up to 60% off. selected items, Huge

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Immigration Reform

Title: Immigration Reform – Do we have the answer?



The immigration reform issue has been with us for some time now and we can’t seem to resolve this issue. It appears there may be a resolution passed by the Senate and waiting on the House of Representatives to adopt or reject. The resolution S 744 is pending debate and action in the House as soon as Congress returns to session. This is a bipartisan bill that has been designed to address the pertinent issues of immigration reform and provide something for everybody in its design. Immigration reform is a term used in political discussion regarding changes to current immigration policy of a country. Reform being the keyword which by definition means to change into an improved form or condition, by removing faults and abuses. There are hundreds of issues involved in this debate some of which are:

·        There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.

·        Border security poses a potential risk to officers patrolling those borders.

·        Immigrants take American jobs

·        Work visas are not strictly enforced

·        Fixing the issue will only invite an increase in illegals by 10 – 15% each year.

·        The system is currently dysfunctional in all respects.

·        Workers are exploited and discriminated against in the workplace because they have no options.

·        Since 2009 there have been 2 million aliens deported, disrupting families and separating children from parents.

·        Difficulty for agricultural workers to enter for seasonal work.

·        There have been 2 bills proposed one in 2005 and one in 2006 that never got out of committee.

·        Pathway to citizenship flawed.

·        Adverse effects on the economy


These are just some of the problems that have been apparent for some time and need to be addressed and reformed. This bill addresses the following issues:

1.      Fix border enforcement

2.      Interior enforcement – fix visa overstays

3.      Prevent people from working without work permits

4.      Creating a committee to regulate visas depending on changing economic times

5.      Amnesty program to legalize undocumented immigrants. Pathway to citizenship

6.      Programs to help immigrants adapt to life in the U.S.


The bill S744 was passed on January 28th, 2013 in the Senate. This bill was created by a bi-partisan group of Senators. These Senators were Democrats Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Michael Bennett. The Republican Senators were John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake.   The legislation is a product of bipartisan cooperation among lawmakers, business groups, labor unions, agricultural interests, and immigration advocates, who negotiated many compromises resulting in this structure for reform. This is a 1300 page bill and addresses the issues previously outlined and for the first time in a while has the ability to resolve immigration reform issues.

The issue of immigration reform needs to be resolved and this seems like the best chance we have at getting a bi-partisan bill that actually can make a difference in people’s lives and resolve the issues. The Congress has to do the job they have been elected to do and make people’s lives better and truly enact the real meaning of reform.
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  What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

                                                               Happy New Year